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Celtic Alleluia Verses for Ordinations

The Mystery of Holy Orders Celtic Alleluia with Verses for Ordinations Fintan O’Caroll – Christopher Walker Verses: Leo R. Ocampo

The Lord is good and steadfast in love! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Raising up men to shepherd the flock! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Bishops to teach, confirm and govern! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Leading the flock with Christ’s gentle staff! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Priests to make holy and shepherd the flock! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Feeding with care the ewes and the lambs! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Deacons to preach, and comfort the poor! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Proclaiming the Word and serving in love! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) A nation of priests, a people for God! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Many the gifts, One Priesthood in Christ! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Pastors to feed and gather the fold! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Seeking the lost and binding the lame! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Prophets, to hear your Voice and proclaim! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Careful to listen and bold to declare! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Kings, to govern and serve in your Name! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Winning the world for your glorious reign! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Behold the Living Body of Christ! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) The flock and their shepherds, united in faith! Alleluia! (R.Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Praised be the Father, great is his love! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Giving us Christ, our Priest and our Lamb! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Praise be to Christ, Chief Pastor and Lord! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) Sending forth shepherds to pasture the fold! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus) Praised be the Spirit, Comforter and Guide! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) leading the Church with his blessed light! Alleluia! (R. Alleluia!) People of God, rejoice and sing! (Chorus)

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